Ready to unlock the magic within you???

Join me for 3 hours to get clear on your why, clear the path + get comfortable being seen by the community looking for you!


Why Attend this 3-day experience…


Why do I need this right now?

It’s time to own your truth, your story and your purpose.
To be supported by likeminded individuals who can see you, honor you, celebrate you and lift you up as you own your destiny + truth.

Let’s dive deeper for a minute…

Many of us feel alone on our spiritual paths often unaware we are on a spiritual journey until life hands us an awakening. For me, it began with an inner whisper which said “I am here to help people heal”. BOOM! My purpose was revealed.

My WHY..

So now what?

At the time I had no idea what it meant, but I began to listen to that voice aka my intuition and it led me on a wild and unexpected journey back home to myself.

Have you had a moment like that?

From that moment my life began to change, first slowly and then at a more rapid pace.

First I started a blog about food, the next thing I knew I had left corporate America + enrolled in school to be a Holistic Health Coach, from there I went on to get a job as a private chef. I kept following the path that kept revealing itself to me though at first it was unconscious. Eventually I found myself attending Kundalini Yoga classes + Sound Healings skipping out on days + nights of drinking.

It wasn’t until 5 years later that it all began to make sense when my my best friend + first love died.

The day Jeff passed away my mediumship awakened. At the time I had no idea I was a medium, I had turned off my gifts at the early age of 3.

While I always had friends + ”fit in”, I always felt different.

Perhaps because I was in remedial classes for math + reading, had a teacher put stickers on my desk so I could focus in elementary school and was later classified with ADD and put on medication in high school.

I share this so you understand I am like you. What may seem easy for me took years of work. Deep digging into my soul to remember who I am + the magic within me that I had locked away as a little girl.

When my journey first began I felt as though I knew NO ONE like me. This was before Instagram was populated with coaches and spirituality and TikTok wasn’t even a platform.

I was left to UNLOCK my magic on my own, to figure it out and ultimately report back my findings with my own world. And in doing that, I lost friends, my family had moments of thinking I had lost my mind and yet I kept digging because I KNEW I WAS SO MUCH MORE THEN THE WORLD HAD LEAD ME TO BELIEVE.

You may be asking why am I sharing this…

The truth is the world around me reflected what I had been ready to see, and when Jeff died all of the sudden I had an opportunity to see so much more + I wasn’t willing to look away. I needed to know the truths of life that had been hidden.

At the time I vowed that when my soul guided me, I would make sure no one else ever felt as lonely as I did on my journey.

With that I am inviting you to join me as we unlock your why, clear the path and release any fears or discomfort that you may have as it relates to being in community.

Because community is what is truly the KEY to advancing in all areas of our lives.


during the 3-day communi-key experience you can expect…

It’s time to alchemize the old and outdated fears and patterns that have left you playing small and locked outside of the doors your soul has wanted to enter.

So let’s turn the old into GOLD and bust through the doors you have always been meant to step through.


What people are saying…