“My first ever Reiki session was with Lauren and I’m so happy it was because it was an incredible experience. I knew I wanted it to be with someone who knew what they were doing and lived what they preached....needless to say, Lauren did not disappoint. Lauren was able to pin point which of my chakras were blocked, and worked to open them up. She also spent time with me at the end going over which crystals would be beneficial for me to get (which was very helpful because I was overwhelmed by which ones I needed!), and pulled an angel card for my year that completely summed up what I was feeling in my life at that point. Thank you Lauren for your knowledge, positive energy, and healing vibrations....you are so talented and I even feel the effects of when you work on me from across the country!”

Lauren B. - Diabetic Health Coach

The session we had last week was really helpful for my brain and lifting some of the heaviness.  I’d like to schedule again asap.


Lauren held space for me and supported me through some deep, dark and challenging times. She has helped me finally breakthrough a lingering chronic health issues. The gratitude I have is endless.

Emily P. - Energy Healer, Founder Masah

“I can’t thank you enough for today. One session was more impactful than years of therapy. It was like supercharged exposure therapy.”

Stephanie K. - LCSW-R

“Since I started working with Lauren I’ve been able to live in the moment and enjoy life more overall. She helped me work through grieving the loss of my father and dig out of a pretty brutal period of depression. I would highly recommend her services.”

Dan S.

“Signing up for Lauren’s Main Event Program to shift my energy and the energy for my business was one of the best things I’ve done for myself. Lauren’s energy healing combined with no-nonsense, down to earth coaching is the perfect fit for me, and it helps that we are both Long Island Mediums. In the 10-week course, I made back my investment less than halfway through - that’s manifestation in action. That’s the power of investing in yourself and being in a container of collective growth and healing.”

Melissa M. - Medium & Healer

“I’ve been doing Lauren’s Glow Up Your Chakra’s program since quarantine. It’s a lifelong tool I’ll use to stay tuned into my spirits alignment. It’s a series of sound baths and journal prompts that gently guide me. I think it’s a different experience for everyone. I also see Lauren monthly for one on one zoom sessions. It sounds crazy, but they are so intense and clearing even over the computer! Lauren Taps into what you need and opens you up it’s freaking magic! I have found a centered energy that I didn’t before working with Lauren. I think we focus so much on mental and physical health. But there’s a whole world of energetic health that we tend to neglect. I think everyone that who is open to it would benefit from working with Lauren.”

Asha W. - Founder of Health in the Hood & AW Wellness

“WOW, I got a huge paid contract offer from a PR company to be an expert in a marketing campaign for protein. I’ve been looking for paid product sponsorships! Feeling open for abundance!! Thank you for your work with me this past weekend. Big impact and major energy shift. ”

Jason R. - Nike Trainer

“My 8 week one-on-one sessions with Lauren were one of the best investments I’ve made in myself all year...maybe ever. You guided me to dig deep into places I needed to uncover in order to get to my true self again. Every week was a new adventure...sometimes fun and sometimes hard but always healing and exactly what I needed. I feel unstuck. Ready for all the good things waiting to come my way. I feel ready for 2020. I’m exactly where I should be and I love who I am. Thank you so much. I couldn’t have done it without your guidance, love and support. You hold the flashlight steady and bright. Happy to be part of the collective you lead. Next up...ICU Glow up in January! I’m ready! I AM READY!! ”

Suzanne H.

“Working with Lauren has completely changed my life. She helped guide and heal wounds within me I never thought were possible to be healed. She showed me the light and empowered me to heal on my own. I’ve worked with her many, many times and every time I grow even more. working with her brings such a powerful energy that I don’t feel anywhere else. I’m forever grateful for her as a healer, shaman, woman, and being in this world. We are so blessed to have her part of our lifetime.”

Alyssa B.

“Lauren, thank you for giving me exactly what I needed this weekend. I’m forever grateful. You have completely opened my mind and I have a vision finally knowing my purpose and path without the approval of others telling me which way to go. I’m doing it for ME and to empower others along the way!”

Rae - Wardrobe & Product Stylist

“You have been such a huge component to my entire journey since postpartum and now. My bravery has grown and sharing my story is my medicine that I need to share with others. The My Body is My Temple program healing has been huge because it is how we become healers. Being in touch with our entire body, our senses, I didn’t realize how much I was missing by trying to ignore my body and pretending/wishing it was something different - Huge disconnect! This is going to definitely make me a stronger healer and I so feel it! Thank you!”

Jocelyne V.

“Doing my first group in person reiki healing tonight, totally didn’t have the confidence to do this before we starting working together, thank you ! Definitely still nervous but I’m not letting it hold me back anyone . ”

Grace L. - Energy Healer, Medium, Facialist

“Lauren! Every call I have with you, I seriously level up without hesitation, resistance or complication and it feels soooo good. It feels free! I’m forever grateful for you Lauren! Not only for the work we do together, but for your commitment to yourself every day and sharing that transparency with us. It’s such an inspiration to witness and be a part of! The powerful work I’ll be able to share with clients is a huge piece of you!! And that’s So beautiful to think. The ripple effect is so divine. Love you so much! ”

Alyssa K.

“Before Lauren came into my life, I hadn’t ever considered trying reiki healing. I’m an entrepreneur at a startup, and after one session with Lauren, my whole perspective on my business had shifted. I was caught up in fear and uncertainty, but since my reiki experience, it’s been much easier to feel confident in my strategic decisions. I was also able to purge negative energy and sadness that had been weighing me down. I can’t wait to see what comes across my path after continued sessions with Lauren.”

Molly P. - CEO & Head Coach, Highly Devoted Inc.

“To work with Lauren is truly a gift. Just looking back at who I was even a month ago, it’s like I’ve stepped into a completely different energy. I no longer operate from a place of fear, a place of lack, a place of scarcity, a place of anger and a place of guilt. I flourish from just the opposite: love, abundance, limitlessness, compassion, and gratitude. Each week was like opening the doors to another dimension, and let me tell you, you will not only be feeling it, but your whole reality will shift into that dimension…This program is one that you could do again and again and again and you’ll still discover new things about yourself. You’re constantly growing and evolving, but within this program, it’s like at light speed! Thank you, Lauren, for holding space for us all and allowing us to root and blossom!”

Brittany B. - Founder of The Banana Diaries


“The 14-week chakra sound bath journey was an incredibly powerful and transformative healing experience. By dedicating two weeks per chakra, I was able to explore the different behavioral patterns associated with each one more deeply (and gently) than ever before. I fully intend to listen to the recordings on loop indefinitely! Thank you Lauren for your crystal bowl magic, my path to healing will never be the same.”

Greta S.

“Your chakra sound baths are so powerful! I wanted to do some sacral clearing before dinner, and rest a bit. It knocked me out for a good 2-hours!! And I missed dinner time. I feel like I’m in a different space now. Such deep, good sleep.”


Working with Lauren for the 12 week business glow up program was the best investment in my self development and small business startup that I could make. When I began, I was unsure of myself but knew I had a calling that needed to be voiced. Lauren’s program helped me to find that voice, get clear about my intentions and share my gifts! Lauren has a gift of merging the magical and the practical in ways that help to integrate the messages we receive from our intuition and the divine! We were so guided and supported through each week! Lauren was always there to offer support with whatever came up for us! Through each shedding and each rebuilding. Every step of this deep dive was a step towards my highest good. I feel more in tune with my self and capable of taking charge of my life in ways I didn’t know were possible! Thank you Lauren, for showing up and doing this work. For creating space for us to show up and do the work. You are a shining light, a beacon for lightworkers. Thank you for your light! I cant wait for to work with you again! If you feel the call to work with this woman...it is no mistake...listen to the voice inside and reach out! You’ll be surprised with what you find when you show up for yourself!”


“If you were to have met me 3 months ago or 6 months ago, you would know that I am a completely different person. Before starting the program with Lauren, I was not seeing things in a positive light and I was struggling with starting my business. It took about 3 weeks and I had a breakthrough in life. That is what it literally felt like, everything was crumbling down around me and I didn’t understand why. That is why doing the work is so important. I remember I was crying all day and suddenly everything just felt right. I felt okay. I knew I was going to be okay. I surrendered. Ever since that day my life has changed in the most amazing way. I am so grateful for Lauren, she helped me believe in myself and my work. I am now a Holy Fire Reiki Master and I am able to see things in a positive way and know that the Universe has my back. Lauren’s sound baths are incredible! Her work is incredible! Her gifts are incredible! If you are having second thoughts about working with her, stop right there and JUST DO IT! She is amazing and you will not regret investing on her work. I can’t wait to work with her again and see how much higher I can ascend.”

Jocelyne V.

“I have no words to express my gratitude for these past twelve weeks, however I will give it my best shot to convey how I feel. I began this journey unsure of what I was even signing up for, a bit hesitant in opening up to a complete stranger, let alone five. What I quickly began to realize was that I invested in a safe space to shed some heavy fucking baggage that was holding me and therefore my businesses back so much more than I was willing to accept. I was initiated into a sisterhood of conscious creators that inspire, support, and authentically love one another, but primarily themselves. Throughout these twelve weeks I have found my voice, a voice that never left, but one that I suppressed and tried to ignore for over a decade of my life. Along with my voice I found, the inner child that has been longing to be acknowledged, the innocent part of me that I used to allow to lead the show, this is huge for me, because throughout the program I grew to such a profound innerstanding that though being a bad-ass, tough as nails business woman may come in handy, this side by no means should run the show. You a have guided me back to my essence, and as a result cleared some much needed blockages for my businesses to succeed, I have no fear of succeeding, no fear of making that MONEY, no fear of standing in my power, no fear of going hungry, no fear of sharing the spotlight with my fellow sisters. Most importantly, I have no fear of being my truest and most authentic self, and allowing that to be the foundation of my business. I am honored to walk this journey alongside you, and so blessed to be guided by your light. This is the best investment I have made for my business, because it was a heart-centered choice. From day one I felt the shift that since then has brought about opportunity after opportunity, abundance, clarity, and a fearlessness that will catapult me into the billionaire powerhouse I am. Thank you from the depths of my core, for simply being who you are.”

Ally P.

“In listening to this new set of baths something that came to me, was that I needed to be more thankful for the things in my life that keep me in check, you have truly opened me up to loving myself, these outside energies however influential with your guidance have been subconsciously pushed aside and I have been so true these past few months to the real me, that I feel like I could and will live and die, by the true me and be so happy in doing so, maybe I have never been happier, but I wanted to thank you for helping me believe in me, so much love for you and the good people in my life!”

Josh V.

“You have taught me to trust myself and to not depend on others when it comes to my own happiness. You have taught me that I truly know what to do and to stop contradicting myself. You made growing easier and more comforting. Thank you. Because of you I learned to choose me, trust me, and to love me. You rock.”

Nerayda - Model

“I met Lauren Unger this past weekend and she did Holy Fire Reiki on me. And she predicted and read my energy exactly to the T. She is one of the most quantum goddesses I have ever met.”

Charlie “Rocket” Jabalay, Nike Athlete, Motivational Speaker

“Before I met Lauren I had no idea what Reiki was. I honestly didn’t believe it could actually help me. It took me one short session to realize I was so wrong. I remember bursting out in laughter as Lauren cleared one of my chakras and crying soon after because of the intensity of the experience. It was like I was emptied of all the baggage that was holding me back from reaching my potential. In the session my ideas flowed freely for the first time in years and I discovered my true purpose. I felt healed, energized, and more productive than ever. Lauren is a natural healer and she changed my life. Her powers are real and palpable, and I am so lucky I found her.”

Jessica Asaf, FOUNDER, PRIMA

“I realized I can never thank you enough. The dedication to yourself the dedication to your clients. I’m beyond thankful for the community you and your soul tribe have created. It’s OVER POURING with love and acceptance. You’ve mentioned how no one should ever go through this spiritual awakening alone. You’ve accomplished that!! I was really lost and confused but now I have clear direction. Honestly looking back at the past 4 months working with you. I AM A NEW PERSON I have been able to shed all these masks that I’ve worn and truly be my authentic self. I could not be more in love with who I am. I am eternally grateful for you, your programs, your sound baths, our zoom calls, your stories, your feedback and your guidance. You are such a blessing Lauren.”

Geselle L.

“I wanted to tell you that your words to me have gotten me through these last few months since the injury. And planning the wedding with an injury. At every point I don’t know how it’s going to go, your words always come back that “it will go on, and it’s a blessing”. Thank you for being a beautiful walking blessing ❤︎”

Soshine S.

“Lauren has a palpable energy that allows her to heal from near and far. She is able to energetically read a space or person and create a safe and comfortable space to clear tensions and make whoever she is working with feel at ease. I appreciate how welcoming Lauren is as she really takes ownership of whatever space she is in and hosts those to come to work with her. While in practice she knows what parts of myself I have closed off. As she works on opening the chakra she begins to align and connect parts of my body back into a whole being. I appreciate the intention setting before the practice and the debrief after. Lauren’s work with food and nutrition is such a unique and perfect pairing as she is able to recommend foods that will be beneficial for my bodies after working with each chakra and understanding what is lacking. I am grateful to find such a loving healer as Lauren is in my life. ”

Jackie M.

“It has been two years since I started to change and recreate myself with the help of Lauren. I have put the past behind me and I am focused on creating a life full of positivity in which I am dedicated to following through with all of my goals and visions. Lauren, thank you so much for showing me the light. I know recognize how precious life is and that happiness is the key to success and growth.”


“Grateful for Lauren’s guidance and wisdom. She helped me grow so much while working with her. Lauren radiates pure positivity and love. She helped me believe more in myself, my abilities and gifts. Learning from her has been a blessing, she truly inspired me to follow my life‘s work.”

“My world is just better with Lauren in it. I feel safe and like everything is going to work out as it should. She taught me to believe in myself and love my gifts. Because that’s what we are, gifts to the world and as soon as you prioritize what you have to give, nothing will sway you from fulfilling that. Life is hard but it doesn’t have to be and you can manifest the world you want to create.”

Julie Z.- Brand Strategist

“Laying down on Lauren’s couch, in her Santa Monica space, my heart was racing with anticipation. I had never experienced reiki before and my expectations were all over the map. I had no idea what was in store for me, I just knew that there was a reason our paths had crossed, and felt called to have this session. I am so grateful I trusted my gut and experienced something profoundly life changing. Within the first minute, I felt Lauren’s healing energy move through my body, opening up my chakras and creating so much powerful momentum for me. After our session and the angel card reading, I felt like I was untouchable. My entire body was vibrating. Lauren expressed to me how my throat chakra was incredibly blocked and that she spent a lot of time clearing it. I can confidently say that my communication and the way I articulate myself has shifted 180 degrees. I reflect back on the amazing things that have resulted in my life since pushing through so much fear and adversity and whole heartedly know that my sesh with lauren was an impetus for all this powerful change. I’m incredibly grateful for the gift of her healing and friendship.”


“Lauren’s magic is like nothing you will ever see or feel anywhere else. She has a true gift that she is passionate about sharing with others to help them be the best version of themselves. When working with Lauren, you not only receive a coach, but you get a friend who truly cares about you, your work, your life and your passion & purpose. Working with Lauren is a once in a lifetime experience that you don’t want to miss out on.”


“When I first met Lauren we were both working in a luxury sober house in NYC. She was the healing chef and I was the wellness coach. Back then we were both very much in the mix of dealing with our own addictive personalities while still helping others transmute this energy in a positive way. I went on to travel and work more one on one with food and weight loss clients. Fast forward to 2017, I found myself in a very dark place. After just losing both of my parents I reached out to Lauren for spiritual support. My first session with Lauren was filled with messages from my parents on the other side and synchronicities that I just could not ignore. I continued to explore this connection between my physical reality and the spirit realms. Months later I returned to Lauren to adopt the healing modality of Holy Fire Reiki. Being a student of Lauren in her The Guru In You Program has been a beautiful journey of breaking down walls and stepping into the light. Lauren has helped me step back into and speak my truth as a healer. I am forever grateful for her unconditional love and support.”


“LAUREN this reiki is so different and so much more powerful!!!! I feel it in a different way, working on things in a different way and working on me as I give it in a different way. It is freaking INSANE and amazing. Like...I am blown away. So much love. So so much. I am so happy I took your training it’s already beginning to transform not only me but my capacity for how much love and healing I can share with the world. My mind is mush and my heart is wide open bc it’s just amazing. It’s calming and nurturing too!”

Lauren H.

“I am deeply and forever grateful for Lauren and my fellow soul sisters in this group for holding such a sacred container. This was such a safe environment that allowed me to release quite a bit of childhood trauma (and letting me bawl my eyes out lol). The support and encouragement was exactly what I needed. Thanks to Lauren I have cleared the blocks that were holding me and my business back. I never would have done IGTV collective card readings, talk about my business, book and train for Reiki 1 &2, and reach out to a wellness fair to book as a healer vendor. I am so glad that I trusted my intuition to take this program. I can not wait to work with her again. Do not ignore your intuition about this program. It is absolutely life changing. Thank you Lauren for being such a powerful badass healer!!!”

Laura M.

“I worked with Lauren during the most intense and emotional part of my life. I worked with her for her group coaching program Guru in You to learn and heal the chakras. Each and every week was magical and so healing for each stage of my divorce. I then was guided to take her Glow Up course. I didn’t even have a business, I signed up to be inspired and to get more amazing healing from Lauren. Not only did I heal even more I was challenged. And I grew. I was inspired and am now starting a subscription based business for women. I am forever grateful for the partnership I have created with her. She forever knows and looks out for my soul. Thank you Lauren for changing my life”

Natalie M.

“From the second I saw Lauren’s page, her energy lept off the screen. She is exactly what you see and doesn’t BS. I love that quality in a humans as so many people these days try to sell you something or have done some program and claim to be experts now. Lauren has spent some major time diving deep into her own spiritual journey and she continues to grow herself which only makes the training she does for others better and better. She has helped me in just a few short months change from someone who was stuck wondering what was wrong with myself to someone who is empowered and whole. I meditate daily now, I have opened up to others about my business and I am putting myself out there like never before. When I find myself in a “lull” I go back through one of the powerful weeks of journaling, or exercises or sound baths she provided and recharge myself. She is generous in sharing about her journey, her training and helping you along the way with resources/contacts she can for your own business, life and beyond. Your soul will not be disappointed by the work she provides! Commit to this journey NOW before this beautiful human launches herself into outerspace!!! ”

Kristin M.

“I didn’t even have a side business. I just wanted inspiration on how to serve and what that could look like. Not only has this program legit raised my creative awareness around how i want to serve. It also up leveled my current careers in waaaaaaay more ways than one. It’s a beautiful experience for anyone ready to level up their life as well as explode with creativity. Don’t think again. Just apply.”


“I’m not sure how to put into words what the #guruinyour program has done and meant to me. I can’t exactly ‘review’ the strides I have made in my spirituality practice or the amount of self-discovery that has taken place in my life since starting the program. It is not like writing a review of the new Thai restaurant down the block on Yelp! But here it goes….

If I am being totally honest, I jumped into this program on a whim. At the time, I had just passed a milestone in my life which inevitably meant questioning EVERYTHING about my past/present/future; this also meant that I was ready to face my demons and heal my heart. I knew that I was on the verge of a significant - yet positive - life change. I also knew that my pursuit into the mystic was going to be hard AF and isolating; but it was unavoidable if I was going to be truly happy with my life.

The timing of Lauren starting this program along with my life revelations was something I could not easily dismiss. Before starting the program, I had seen Lauren for an individual Reiki session and I poured out my heart & soul to her. During this time we talked about some of my issues at hand as well as goals that I had set out for myself to achieve. It was then that she presented information about the program she was developing in hopes to provide a higher level of spiritual support for clients like me, i.e. someone ready to free fall into the unknown.

Working with Lauren over the past few months has helped me gain more insight and direction to the person I want to be and have always been - more insight than most conventional therapy has ever provided me. Lauren is no bullshit and will take you as far down your spiritual path as you want to go. Lauren provides you the tools and support to dive in deep within yourself. Because of that, I have been able to face many of my demons head on knowing that I can easily look over my shoulder in case I need her guiding light to keep me grounded.

Although Lauren is magnificent at helping others find their inner voice, I would be doing an disservice not to bring up the other spiritual voyagers involved in the program. The #guruinyou provides an amazing support group of women spread across the world searching for the same answers and reassurances needed to properly heal in our disconnected worlds. Since we started, I have not only seen myself grow as a person, but I have seen the weekly progression of other individuals going through similar journeys. It is one thing to grow on your own but seeing drastic changes within other people keeps me inspired daily. Without the love and support that my spiritual-sisterhood has provided me throughout this journey, my moments of clarity and self-discovery may have been delayed.

I highly recommend this program for anyone who feels like they may have taken a few wrong turns on their journey called life and needs to gain better perspective of who they are at their core being. Call it fate. Call it divine intervention. Call it whatever you’d like, this program is meant for those doing some soul searching and would rather not forge the road alone.”

Colleene Saenz