your Decision To Live Your Most Authentic Life Doesn't Have To Take Years Or Be Painful.
You get to make a choice right now, to live in your authentic truth and take actions towards it or remain in a stagnant place.
“I highly recommend this program for anyone who feels like they may have taken a few wrong turns on their journey called life and needs to gain a better perspective of who they are at the core of there being. Call it fate. Call it divine intervention. Call it whatever you’d like. This program is meant for those doing some soul searching and would rather not forge the road alone.”
Are you ready to take healing into your hands?
To sit down in the driver’s seat of YOUR LIFE.
Perhaps you have invested in coach after coach to only find yourself further in debt and feeling lost on your purpose, I’ve been there.
I’ve invested over $50,000 into my spiritual journey. From coaches to trainings to the tools and more all so I could BECOME MY OWN GURU. So I could truly heal my life - from a holistic approach.
And now, I want to give you the tools to Glow Up Your Chakras so you can BE THE GURU OF YOUR LIFE
Have you ever asked yourself…
"Is there something more for me?"
"What is my purpose?"
"What do I do now?"...
When you begin to ask yourself these questions, that is when you are ready to break the cycle and see what’s possible.
Welcome to Glow Up Your Chakras
You don't have to be stuck trying to fit into other people's boxes, being a checkmark on someone else's list, or justifying your existence for a society that doesn't see (or accept) all of you.
You're capable of living your dreams.
And you are deserving of those dreams. Right now, as you are. It is all yours - all you need to do is love yourself enough to know YOU ARE WORTHY of it.
To know your worth is to heal the parts you once refused to accept.
If you have a dream inside of you - whether it was something from childhood or discovered as an adult - it was placed in your heart for a reason. There is a specific role you are meant to play on this Earth at this time.
You were born with an authentic, bold drive.
A passion within to make a difference.
A desire to follow our path.
And the permission to make it happen.
You know you are meant for something bigger. Something that in this moment may feel impossible, yet in your heart, it feels so real.
It may even feel as though there is already another version of you living that life, and the truth is, there is, and now is the time to align with the frequency of that life and truly start living it.
You are meant for a life of joy and passion.
I Want To Remind You Of One Essential Truth…
Your Decision To Live Your Most Authentic Life Doesn't Have To Take Years Or Be Painful.
You get to make a choice right now, to live in your authentic truth and take actions towards it or remain in a stagnant place.
The truth is, you don't need to be broken open and drained out to completely shift your life into your authentic alignment.
You don't have to lose it all just to build yourself up again.
And you certainly don't have to sit in pain and anguish - emotionally, spiritually, physical or mentally.
The Journey Home To Your Authentic Self Can Be A Beautiful Process.
The more you heal and transmute, the easier you can heal the next thing and move on to what you truly desire for your life.
My Journey Taught This One Very Important Thing...
I love my lessons, and I am so thankful for everything I've gone through because it has brought me to where I am today.
From the death of my first love, to 8 undercover cops knocking on my door to look for my ex, to the years of pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by my doctors, to the multiple surgeries for my jaw. To the loss of friends, to the leaving of one home to find myself on a deep level, I WOULDN’T CHANGE A THING.
My lessons, struggles and pains have been some of my greatest blessings and teachers, I simply needed to find the light in each situation to understand that.
And with my doing that, I can now help others do the same. That is why I am so passionate to help others find the light within them, to help them remember who they are. It is my intention to help anyone + everyone ready to walk their path do that while feeling a little less lonely.
Glow Up Your Chakras is:
A 14-week embodied experience of awakening your chakras so you can live your truth.
Glow Up Your Chakras is a self-paced Spiritual Journey guiding you through your shadows and into the light.
This program is designed to help you move through patterned thinking and break down walls you have put up in all areas of your life in only 14 weeks!
Using the chakra system as a roadmap, we will use a combination of energetic healing, Holy Fire Reiki, mastery of the akashic records, sound therapy, mantra, mediumship, rituals, and more in order to balance your energetic body and bring you into alignment.
It is then that you will begin to quiet the noise and gain clarity!
You are not your stories; both the ones you told and the ones others did. It is time for you to take the drivers seat.
I've Been Blessed To Guide Some Incredible Souls On Their Healing Journey...
“I worked with Lauren during the most intense and emotional part of my life to learn and heal the chakras. Each and every week was magical and so healing for each stage of my divorce not only did I heal I was changed and I grew. I am forever grateful for the partnership I have created with her she forever knows and looks out for my soul. Thank you Lauren for changing my life!”
“The 14-week Chakra Sound Bath Journey was an incredibly powerful and transformative healing experience. By dedicating two weeks per chakra I was able to explore the different behavioral patterns associated with each one more deeply (and gently) than ever before I fully intend to listen to the recordings on loop indefinitely! Thank you Lauren for your crystal bowl magic. My path to healing will never be the same.”
“Lauren’s magic is like nothing you will ever see or feel anywhere else. She has a true gift that she is passionate about sharing with others to help them be the best version of themselves. When working with Lauren, you not only receive a coach, but you get a friend who truly cares about you, your work, your life and your passion & purpose. Working with Lauren is a once in a lifetime experience that you don’t want to miss out on.”
And Now It’s Your Turn.
A Look Into Your 14-Week Journey Through the Chakras
A Look Into Your 14-Week Journey Through the Chakras 〰️
Weeks 1 & 2 - Root Chakra
Focus: Career, Money & Belonging - Located at the base of your spine, the Root Chakra deals with physical survival, safety, security, stability, fear, and insecurity.
Weeks 3 & 4: Sacral Chakra
Focus: Sexuality & Pleasure - Located in our hips, sacrum, and genitals, the Sacral Chakra is where you experience the joys of intimacy, sense of abundance, well-being, creativity, pleasure, desires, and sexual energy.
Weeks 5 & 6: Solar Plexus Chakra
Focus: Personal Power & Embodying Truth - Located along your spine, the Solar Plexus Chakra deals with issues of willpower, ambition, and action. It represents self-esteem, pleasure, personal responsibility, and self-confidence.
Weeks 7 & 8: Heart Chakra
Focus: Love, Relationships & Self-Acceptance - Located along your spine right in the center of your chest (next to your physical heart), the Heart Chakra deals with issues of love, compassion, belonging, relationships, and inner peace
Weeks 9 & 10: Throat Chakra
Focus: Self-expression - Located in the center of your throat, the Throat Chakra deals with issues of honesty, integrity, truth, and self-expression. It represents the ability to speak and communicate clearly and effectively.
Weeks 11 & 12: Third Eye Chakra
Focus: Intuition, Purpose & Direction - Located in the center of your forehead, the Third Eye deals with intuition, imagination, wisdom, foresight, sense of purpose, and direction. It represents your ability to see the big picture, register information beyond the surface level & accept different perspectives.
Weeks 13 & 14: Crown Chakra
Focus: Connection to Source - Located at the crown of your head, the Crown Chakra deals with your connection to the Divine within you and all around you. It represents states of higher consciousness and spiritual connection.