What if I told you that I can help you find flow & ease within your emotional, spiritual, physical & mental bodies?
What if I told you that your healing journey doesn’t have to be so intense, painful, lonely or difficult.
What if I told you that my most downloaded & beloved program is getting an upgrade…
And you’re invited to Upgrade your energy with me for all 7 weeks!
Before we dive into the details allow me to RE-INTRODUCE MYSELF my name is Lauren.
Ok, ok I am totally channeling lyrics first was The Next Episode by Dr. Dre & now its Jay-Z.
You may be wondering why I am telling you this & its because being my most authentic self feels the best and you should know I am a medium & channeling messages through music is one of my favorite indicators of when I am in my flow.
~So lets flow together
create a life of ease together
so we can Glow Up together~
Before we do that, let me take you back for a moment to July of 2018.
I was in Spain with a man I was holding space for, but the boundaries were so messy and unclear — because I allowed them to be.
He was in a dark night of the soul and it turns out I WAS IN ANOTHER ONE TOO!
At the time I was turning 35.
Only three months before I had left my life in LA for Miami.
I had followed an opportunity and an inner knowing to go to Miami yet had no clue why.
Back to Spain…
I had traveled there with this man & my Crystal Sound Bowls in tow.
I began playing them only 3 months prior & knew I needed to bring them.
And let me tell you, it was bringing my Sound Bowls that truly saved me from a soul crushing trip.
The man I had went on this trip with was someone I had met 6 months prior through a random encounter.
Upon meeting I felt a soul connection. (cough cough - trauma bond)
He reminded me of parts of me, he had this softness to him behind a harder protected exterior.
Over that six month period there were blurred lines & boundaries.
We had met through my work, with that he never became an official client, which is a good thing… because I slept with him days before we went to Spain.
I can’t believe I’m even spilling these details here, but FUCK IT, I get to share my truth.
As you can imagine, getting intimate with someone I knew was going through a dark period was A HUGE RED FLAG, but I chose to wave the flag.
At the time I was unaware to quote Jay-Z of “the power of the P-U-S-S-Y”.
I didn't understand that in sleeping with this man I was now taking in all of this energy & he was being enveloped in mine.
I took in his pain & then found myself on a trip in a place I had never been before that was so beautiful, yet all I could feel was deep pain & anguish.
Now, I’m not going to say all of this pain was this man’s because in fact he was showing me the parts of me that were deeply wounded and unhealed.
Through him I was shown my pattern of trying to heal men.
Of putting others needs in front of my own.
I saw how I allowed myself to be influenced & gaslight.
While in Spain on my 35th birthday after 6 months of sobriety this man opened up a bottle of champagne for breakfast and convinced me that I should celebrate & I sipped a glass to only then need to sit with why I chose to do it before eventually taking a 5 year break from alcohol.
On so many levels it was an extremely uncomfortable, gut wrenching & heartbreaking trip in so many ways… and I felt so alone.
As I felt so deeply I told myself I had signed up for this, that it was how I chose to experience my lessons and I mustered through it.
And in that mustering I found my strength & my voice.
I found my way out and onto a flight home from Spain after what felt like I would never be able to break free & once I made it back home I sat for weeks behind my sound bowls the same ones that gave me a lifeline in the dark moments.
Day after day & night after night I played & played.
I played to heal my roots.
I played to heal my creative and sexual energies,
I played to restore my power.
I played to heal my heart.
I played to find my voice.
I played until I could see and think clearly.
I played until I could hear me.
So I could understand why I chose to learn the lessons in the way I had.
I began to unravel my unhealthy relationship with substances.
And then one day I began recording myself simply because I felt guided too.
For months I listened to my recordings & witnessed my life change.
Then one day while out for a walk listening to a recording I once again felt guided except this time it was to share the recordings.
That’s when Glow Up Your Chakras was born (originally named The Guru in You).
From 2019-2020 I taught the program live…
Before feeling a pull to share Glow Up Your Chakras online as a pre-recorded course which you can see described below.
And now here we are.
It’s 2024 and so much has shifted.
Our ability to heal has changed.
The energy of this planet is less dense and we simply do not need to work as hard.
And that’s where THE UPGRADE comes in!!!
Glow Up Your Chakras was created when I was ready to step in & become my savior.
The Upgrade is the next level refinement.
Once you become your savior the next step is to embody the alchemist & that’s what we will be doing.
Join me for one week or all 7!
The choice is yours.
During each LIVE call we will be diving into an energetic transmutation for each energy center we will begin week 1 at the root and work our way to the crown.
These transmutations offer you can opportunity to dive into your conscious and unconscious minds to reprogram your emotional, spiritual, physical and mental bodies as well as your brain & nervous system.
Now I want to do something different here and honor each of you where you are a, so there are a few ways to sign up….
Already a member of Glow Up Your Chakras?
You will get the new recorded content FREE in your online library.
Want to attend the calls LIVE? Get all 7 for only $111
Not a member of Glow Up Your Chakras yet?
Get access to all current & future content when you enroll now for only $777 - you can begin working through all of the content before the new stuff arrives (fyi the price of this course is going up)
After you enroll you have the option to attend the calls LIVE? Get all 7 for only $111
Not ready to enroll in Glow Up Your Chakras but want access to these juicy healings?
Join me LIVE for 7 weeks for only $555
Or sign up for each class individually for $111
Here’s the schedule:
2/1 - Root Chakra - Sign Up
2/8 - Sacral Chakra - Sign Up
2/15 - Solar Plexus - Sign Up
2/22 - Heart Chakra - Sign Up
2/29 - Throat Chakra - Sign Up
3/7 - Third Eye Chakra - Sign Up
3/14 - Crown Chakra - Sign Up
Have questions? Email lauren@laurencourtnyheals.com