Israeli Couscous with Eggplant and Tomato

My favorite part of living by a Farmers Market is the ability to just grab a few items when walking through and head home and create a dish.

Eggplants are in season right now so I decided to grab some Japanese Eggplant and a few Heirloom Tomatoes (my fav!) and head home to see what I could create. With the help of a few items in the kitchen I created this delicious vegetarian dish great for dinner any night of the week, make a little extra and have the leftovers for lunch.

Israeli Couscous with Eggplant and Tomato.jpg

Israeli Couscous with Eggplant and Tomato

Serving Size - 2


  • 2 Japanese Eggplant, sliced in thin rounds

  • 2 Heirloom Tomatoes, or one large, chopped

  • 1 cup Israeli Couscous

  • 1 shallot, diced

  • 1 garlic clove, diced

  • 1 T olive oil

  • salt and pepper to season

  • basil leaves, chiffonade

  • 1/4 cup goat or sheep cheese, cubed (optional)


Start by putting the cous cous up to cook, next heat oil in a large pan over medium to high heat. Add the diced shallots and garlic to the pan and let sweat about 2 minutes, be sure not to burn. Next add the eggplant and sauté for 5 minutes. Next add the tomatoes and cook for another 4-5 minutes until vegetables are cooked through. Strain couscous and add to vegetables. Season with salt and pepper and add cheese and basil to the couscous and vegetables. Once cheese starts to melt plate in two dishes and serve.


This dish will take 30 minutes of less, enjoy tonight for dinner!


Lauren Courtney


Summer CleanTox Tip- #12 - Eggplant


Summer CleanTox Tip- #11 - Taste the Rainbow