Meatless Memorial Day

What to do when #MeatlessMonday falls on a major BBQ holiday? Make some fun fruit skewers to keep with the theme!

These are great for adults and kids alike. Easy to prepare and a great healthy addition to any BBQ, picnic, trip to the beach or just for some at home snacking!

bbq skewer.jpg

Now, I don't want to give you a recipe here, instead I want to tell you to grab your favorite fruits, some skewers, and load them up.

My favorite way to do this is to make the skewers look like a rainbow, but lets face it, we all have likes and dislikes. For this recipe let's make it a do it yourself, or if you have kids have them help also.

Some good choices which stay sturdy on the skewers are strawberries, grapes, pineapple, blueberries, melon and banana.

Wherever you are today and this summer, this "recipe" is one you will likely use over and over again.

Happy Holiday!


Lauren Courtney


Summer CleanTox Tips- #2 - Pineapple


Summer CleanTox Tips- #1 - Lemon Water