Spirulina, Get the Facts

It has been 5 years since I gave up coffee, while I may miss the flavor of a freshly brewed cup I do not miss the jittery feeling that would last through the day or the migraines that seemed to come along with a lack or abundance of coffee or espresso.

Well, enter Spirulina into my life a little over a year ago. As a health coach, I am very open-minded when it comes to superfoods and it’s a good thing because when it comes to Spirulina you need that or a desire to drink what some may call "pond scum" (appetizing, I know). The truth is Spirulina does not have the best flavor or taste, it tastes like a combination or sea water and mushrooms. I feel honesty is the best policy when sharing my tips, but I promise you can mask the flavors in smoothies and juices and you do not need to drink it straight, it can also be bought as capsules.


So, what are the benefits of this microalgae:

  • 60% or spirulina is made up of protein making it a great addition to any meat free diet

  • Rich in B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (Folate) and B12 which enhances energy

  • Contains essential fatty acids which help manufacture and repair cell membranes

  • Full of iodine and magnesium and more antioxidants, it is said (and from personal use knowledge) to boost energy

  • Over 90 ocean sourced minerals and trace elements

To get a general idea of all of these benefits, check out what you would need to consume to equate to the value of just 1 tablespoon of Spirulina according to Superfoods for Life:

  • 3 ounces fresh wheat grass juice for the Chlorophyll

  • 21 ounces of spinach for the iron

  • 18 medium carrots for the beta carotene

  • 2 cups of brown rice for the potassium.

  • 9 ounces of top sirloin for the protein and ~B-12

  • 6 medium raw wheat germ for the Vitamin E .

  • 3 capsules of Evening Primrose Oil for the GLA

  • 3 glasses of cow's milk for the calcium

It is safe to say this superfood is a great addition to any diet. Check out this recipe for a Spirulina Smoothie Bowl.


Lauren Courtney


Apple Waldorf Salad


Fava Bean & Edamame Spread with "Bacon" Mushrooms